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Stella Gyimaah Larbi


Stella Gyimaah Larbi is a believer  of a new generation of self reliant youngsters and positive changers in the classroom and the world to reduce inequality.
She is a proud Teacher, Trainer. Youngsters and Teachers Development Consultant, Keynote Speaker and a Writer. She is a lover of words and so adores poetry.

Gyimaah  is the founder of “Youngsters and Teachers Hub” a non governmental organisation based in Ghana. Her work include  teaching, consultancy, training, inspiring sessions, grooming and assisting to create strategies in the area of youngsters  and teacher development. She runs “She to go” an innitiative to push women and girls to acquire soft and hard skills to break barriers in all domains.

She believes the foundation of a person is key to future success and everybody can make a change positively when the right values, skills and knowledge are acquired.
Gyimaah’s drive is to help uplift the gift in others; to dedicate fully when need be; To learn and come out with theoretical and practical innovations to change the face  of learning.
She authored “Girls’ and Ladies’ Greatness Guide”, “Getting the Grades” and “Beyond Today”.

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